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"Selective" Model

“Selective Selling & Buying”:  Value Creation Approach

There are several benefits in reducing the catalyst stock in your plant via  “Selective” Selling approach:

- Minimise your catalyst inventory (lower inventory cost on your books)

- Get value from your unused catalyst batches and generate cash.

- Avoid wasting or disposing valuable products

- Save disposal costs and environmental impact.

- Simplify catalyst management


Buyer can achieve similar benefit. Lowering loading cost selectively buying catalysts from our inventory that fit they performance goals.

Low-cost approach create value maintain your catalyst budget as low as possible. 


Sellers obtain the highest value for the unused materials. Buyers purchase catalyst at the lowest price possible.


How the Service works

All registered users could contribute to create the virtual inventory posting all the materials they are interested or could be interest to sell.

Users can post any catalyst or material for sales directly into the site (even all the inventory); alternatively send us the list and we’ll post it for you, saving your time (please use this form).


All registered users can access the inventory and require info and price of the posted material.


CMT will act as intermediate facilitating the agreement on price and conditions between the seller and the buyer.

When condition are set CMT will buy and resell the material adding a small margin for the service which will include also the logistic, paper work, transport, inspection, etc. No trouble or direct involvement between the parties.


The service is free, it is anonymous and there is not obligation for the user to sell or buy the product in the inventory if there is not agreement on the type, characteristics and price.


 Additional Services:

To save your time you could also let us look into your warehouse, agreed what could be sold and what should be kept. We’ll post the material on the website for you.

CMT also offers, via a pool of house experts or external partners, a wide range of services related to catalyst management to help you in the catalyst issues. See the dedicated section for more information here.


Register or Login to post a product or to consult the catalyst Inventory built by the other members and check if there are products that fit your needs.

Become an active member posting the products that you want to sell, to buy or to exchange or check the available additional services from CMT.


Contact us at info@catalyst-management.com to receive additional and detailed information about the services


“Selective Selling”

“Selective Buying” 

“Selective Selling & Buying Brochure” (available soon)


Please login to access the service and the products inventory.



To create an account please go to the registration page:


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 Password/Userid Recovery

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